Thyroid &
Autoimmune Disorders:
Modern Causes & Natural Solutions!
Date & Time:
October 21, 2017 - 11:00 AM — 12:30 PM

FREE Health Class Consultation
By Dr. Kari Young, D.PSc.

Young Health Solutions
31401 Rancho Viejo Road - Suite 102
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Are you suffering needlessly from a Thyroid or AutoImmune Condition? Learn valuable information about finding out the true cause of "Why" you have a symptom, condition, or disease in the first place. Then understand HOW your own body can heal itself naturally. 
This is why thyroid blood tests may be normal in spite of persistent hormonal symptoms and health challenges like weight-loss resistance, chronic fatigue, brain fog, sleep disturbances, moodiness and so on.

Did you know?
  •  27 million suffer from hypothyroidism.
  •  50% of the population with thyroid disease remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
  •  1 in 5 Americans suffer from an autoimmune disease.
  •  Autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and irritable bowel syndrome frequently coexist with chronic fatigue syndrome.
  •   Have you gained weight and are unable to lose it without going to extremes? Experiencing Weight-Loss Resistance (inability to lose weight despite diet and exercise?)
  •  Is your hair brittle, skin flaky and nails flimsy?
  •  Is your hair falling out?
  •  Are you constantly cold?
  •  Do you have regular joint pain?
  •  Do you have regular headaches?
  •  Have you had IBS?
  •  Is it difficult to get consistent sleep?
  •  Are you aging prematurely?
  •  Do you have constant mood swings and irritability?
  •  Are you depressed?
  •  Do you have trouble concentrating, brain fog or chronic fatigue?
If you answered yes, you very likely have cellular toxicity, a common condition that is linked to all of these health challenges and is the root cause of most health issues. Do you know how toxins affect hormones?

Many of these illnesses are related to toxicity yet it cannot be detected by conventional blood tests! This is why people see doctor after doctor, have lab test after lab test, maybe even take medication but STILL don't feel well or get the results they want. If this sounds like you, your chronic health condition is almost certainly due to cellular toxicity...

But how do you know it is the reason for your inability to get well?
Toxicity Screening and Testing to determine toxicity from mold, pesticides, heavy metals from silver fillings, etc.

  •   Why most women continue to suffer, get run in circles taking the wrong tests, and put on multiple medications that only treat the symptoms. 
  •  The latest research in thyroid, autoimmune, and inflammatory disease!
  •  Why you have never heard what the correct tests are!
  •  Why your inability to lose weight may not be your fault!
  •  The connection between weight loss, toxins, and hormone dysregulation or imbalance.
  •  How to correct the underlying cause of thyroid dysfunction, naturally, without medication.

  •   If you are ready to correct the ROOT cause of your problem, tired of ignoring or masking the symptoms with medication, and taking useless tests, this is the class for you! 
  •  If you want natural healing techniques and to discover alternative medicine treatment options available for Autoimmunity, Thyroid Dysfunction and Hormonal Imbalance, this is the class for you!
  •  If your thyroid tests have come back normal yet you are still experiencing signs and symptoms, this is the class for you.
  •  If you are experiencing debilitating chronic fatigue with seemingly no explanation, this is the class for you!

  •  My simple yet comprehensive personalized multi-therapeutic system that gets results safely and naturally!
  •  It's not in your head. 
  •  You're not just getting old. 
  •  It is not your genes. (There may be a genetic component triggered by certain things. We address that naturally. More on this at the seminar.) 
  •  It might be your thyroid and the causes might surprise you.

    •    Please call (949) 916-8500 with any questions regarding this seminar.
    •  Find us on Facebook at:
    Dr. Kari Young, D.PSc.
    Thyroid and Autoimmune
    Modern Causes & Natural Solutions
    Dr. Young is 1 of 60 doctors who is a Cellular Healing Specialist. We address the true cause in order to create the natural solution to allow the power of your own body to heal itself. We teach and empower you to have the knowledge to continue to take care of your own health.

    •  Saturday, October 21, 2017
    • 11:00 AM — 12:30 PM PDT
    Young Health Solutions
    31401 Rancho Viejo Road
    Suite 102
    San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675